Do you want to experience a different movement? You can also fold the Steam Waver. Try it out to find your preference. The dotted lines on the pictures below represent the folding line for the Love Birds and the Dutch Kissing Couple 

  Angeliek Caelen     15-07-2015 17:21     Comments ( 3 )
Comments (3)
 Monique -  19-08-2015

Ik zie er naar uit om ze te ontvangen! Ben benieuwd hoe onze vrienden en kleinkinderen erop zullen reageren!

 sacha -  15-07-2015

this gift is like a magical present unfolding in front of your eyes .... which will bring a smile on your face :)

 Irene Thomas -  18-06-2015

Zo handig en vol elegantie breng je de birds en het couple mooi in beweging