Thee Vogels Steam Waverz
3x Four Waverz: BEST - with envelopes
Birds of Paradise with envelopes. A Four Waverz (4-pack) holds four identical steam waverz
€ 18,50
Price per 3x Four Waverz + 3 envelopes
Are you looking for small gifts? Wish your friends the very best with this set BEST. Shop this set and you receive 3 matching red envelopes.
  • This  bird scene creates a paradise on your teacup!
A Four Waverz (4-pack) holds 4 reusable steam waverz. You can order them per 3 packs, so you can make 3 friends happy with the steam artworks.

Reusable paper product / produced in the Netherlands / printed with food packaging ink / packaged in biofoil bags
Design: Angeliek Caelen